Friday, November 5, 2010


      Yesterday we watched and video about a boy, Max, who has Prader-Willi syndrome.  Prader-Willi syndrome is a genetic condition which is caused by the absence of chromosomal materials in chromosome 15.  Different people have different parts that are wrong with them but the most common is to have a big appetite all the time.  So, like Max many other people with this uncommon disease have to keep themselves occupied while they wait to eat at the right time.  This strive for hunger also makes many lose their temper when they don't get what they want when they want it.
     If I ever had a kid with any disability I would still love and care for them.  I would research more about their disease so that I understand how I can help them over come their struggles.  If they ever asked me why they weren't "normal" I would tell them that neither is anyone else.  The word "normal" is a stereotype and everyone has their flaws.  I feel as though I would love my child the same whether they had a disease or not.
     People discriminate against  many things, such as race, religion and if you have a disease.  When in fact if you actually got to talk to that person you would find many similarities.  Their disease makes them a little different than other people.  But like I said before no one in this world is considered normal.  I think of people with disease as people who are more special than us without a disease, and not special in the bad way but special in the good way.  If I ever had a disease I would want people to treat me the same as they already have been.

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